Imagine Mira*, a mother living in an abusive situation who cares for both her kids & her parents. She wants to leave domestic violence, but she has nowhere else to go, and shelters won't accept her with her parents. The choice she‘s given is to leave her parents, abandon her kids, or stay in an abusive situation. This is not a choice.
Housing underpins most issues impacting the equity, affordability, and sustainability of Canadian communities. How do we support people fleeing violence overseas and trying to make Canada home? How do we help women trying to leave abuse with kids and parents in tow? How do we support the young family trying to make ends meet while dealing with disabilities?
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Contact us
IslamicFamily is looking for donations, investment/loans, expertise, stories & prayers to build affordable housing for the community in Edmonton. If you're interested in opportunities to donate, share a story, or getting involved, they can be reached at housing@islamicfamily.ca Follow us on social media, or contact us here directly to connect with our team!